Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to our school!

I have had the privilege of working at Ralph Butterfield Primary School for many years and I am extremely proud to be leading such a wonderful school, with such a skilled and committed staff team.

Supporting children’s wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do; our positive, nurturing culture paves the way for children to thrive both personally and with their work. We care passionately about helping children to discover their unique strengths and talents and then providing them with every opportunity for these to flourish.

Our ethos enables children to enjoy working hard, in a safe and caring learning environment. Children are supported to develop their resilience in order to achieve the best standards that they are capable of. We work in close partnership with our entire school community, with a focus on school values and British values, to ensure our children are well prepared for their next steps and later life in our modern world.

An outstanding level of care is shown for each child and our school takes pride in its inclusive nature; all staff successfully support a range of individual needs to ensure every child can successfully access and enjoy our curriculum.

I’m very much looking forward to continuing to work with our school community and to welcoming new families. Selecting a school for your child can be a daunting process; we understand how important it is for parents/carers to have trust in the people who are educating and caring for their child each day. It is a very exciting time to be part of Ralph Butterfield Primary School; I hope you enjoy exploring our website, and learning more about what we have to offer.

Please do feel free to make contact with us either via email (RalphButterfield.School@york.gov.uk) or give us a call (01904 768325 option 3).

Liz Clark
"I think Ralph Butterfield Primary school understands and supports children's wellbeing; it is a wonderful, caring school."