
Safeguarding statement:

At Ralph Butterfield Primary School the safety and well-being of all our pupils and staff is paramount. We operate a culture where all children and their views are valued, staff regularly discuss safeguarding matter to keep an arena of safety for our pupils and where action is swiftly taken if a concern is noted about a child. We have systems within school for any adult to raise a concern, staff have all read the Keeping children safe in education document (Sept 2024) and are aware of their duty of care and the need for them to always act and pursue action further if they are concerned about a child. At the entrance to our school all visitors are asked to read an information booklet before entering the school which highlights safeguarding issues, including who the Designated Safeguarding lead is and what to do if they have a concern.

Staff work with the excellent ‘MASH’ team, which is York's multi agency safeguarding hub (children's social care), to ensure speedy action and pooling of information from all professionals and concerned adults working with children.

Regular training is provided for staff and governors.

We have a designated safeguarding governor.

"I think Ralph Butterfield Primary school understands and supports children's wellbeing; it is a wonderful, caring school."