Parent Teachers Association (PTA)

The PTA is a very friendly group of people who actively support the school to raise money to benefit the pupils, teachers and support staff at Ralph Butterfield Primary School. We are also a registered Charity (1182616).

We raised an incredible £12,300 last year from some fantastic fundraising events for the children, their families and the wider community and through applying for local grants.

Events throughout the year normally include Film nights, Break the Rules Days, Discos, Summer Fair, Christmas Eve bags, Mother / Father’s Day secret rooms, Book Fairs, summer ice pop sales and second-hand uniform sales. In addition, this year we organised a Quiz night at the Parvin, a Big Christmas raffle and hot chocolates after school.

Recently the PTA have purchased for the school:

●        NEW Playground equipment and markings

●        Laptops and Laptop charging units

●        New Projector screen in the school hall

●        School trips

●        Over 200 books

●        2 iPads for Reception

●        Shed for the School garden

●        Actress on Roman day and Viking day

●        Year 6 Activity day

●        A commemorative Kings Coronation pin badge for each pupil

●        School Book Bags and gifts for all new starters in Reception


We are on Facebook if you would like to see our latest news!


Would you like to join the PTA?

We understand that life is pretty busy when you have a child at school, but joining the PTA has many benefits, such as:

·        Puts you in direct communication with other parents and teachers

·        You get to know the school better

·        You are helping to contribute towards your child’s education and school

·        Meet and enjoy the company of other parents and carers


You can of course join the PTA committee as a member (our AGM is in September/October each year) and we have monthly meetings to catch up, discuss new ideas and organise future events.


 But we also need:

·        Help at events like discos or film nights

·        Run a stall at one of our Fairs

·        Help coordinate Christmas Card orders

·        Sell ice pops in the Summer after school

·        Put up posters

·        Go shopping for prizes (all reimbursed of course!)

·        Wrap presents and prizes for Fairs

·        Request and collect raffle prizes


YOU decide how much and in what way you can help out. Many hands make light work, and many of the ‘tasks’ are a lot of fun!

Please email if you would like to help out or just find out a bit more about what we do.


"The support our child got from the school during this year has been phenomenal! Thank you, to such a wonderful caring team at Ralph Butterfield Primary School. Your communication is truly commendable."