British Values

Fundamental British Values

At Ralph Butterfield Primary School we value and celebrate the diversity of backgrounds of all children, their families and our wider school community. Alongside this, we value and celebrate the traditions and customs that are part of life in Britain.  

The Department for Education’s five-part definition of British values:

  • Democracy

  • The rule of law

  • Individual liberty

  • Mutual respect

  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Children encounter many of these principles throughout everyday school life, in particular our promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. Our curriculum long term plans map out additional opportunities to experience and explore these values, as well as incorporating them across a range of subjects. There is a whole school approach with the exploration of a ‘big question’ each half term, directly related to a British Value. This all helps to ensure that our children understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.


Sharing ideas and making decisions together

Democracy and making decisions together is firmly embedded into all we do at Ralph Butterfield Primary School. We use child, parent/carer, governor and wider community voice to continuously develop and improve, including through the use of surveys. Our School Council members, who have been elected solely by their peers, meet regularly with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss school issues. Consultation with all stakeholders and giving everyone opportunity to have their voice heard is of vital importance and valued as a tool for ensuring successful working relationships.

Rule of Law

Understanding why rules matter

From the outset of their Ralph Butterfield Primary School life, children are encouraged to take part in establishing their own class charters, helping them to understand the process of rule-making and that these are for their own protection. Children understand that it is their responsibility to follow particular rules and that not doing so leads to consequences. Children are rewarded for following class and school rules with house points, class points and/or personalised certificates and messages home. Assemblies focus on recognising right from wrong, exploring SMSC values and developing understanding of their importance. The school’s Behaviour Policy is centred on pivotal and restorative practices, which support children to understand and learn from the impact that rule breaking may have on themselves and others.

Individual Liberty

Making good choices

Children are actively encouraged to make choices as independent learners, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Children are taught to understand their personal freedoms and how to use these rights to best effect. Lessons in E-safety, PSHE and RE all enable children to develop their ability to make good choices so that freedoms can be enjoyed safely.

Mutual Respect & Tolerance

Treating others as we would wish to be treated

The pupils in our school are respectful to each other. This is one of our core school values and is frequently discussed in school through assemblies, lessons and incidentally. All members of Ralph Butterfield Primary School are taught to be kind, caring and respectful of others and this is also reflected through our Behaviour policy. Pupils are taught that they live in a multicultural society and that it is important to embrace others similarities and differences. Pupils experience other cultures and religious beliefs through RE lessons, PSHE lessons, guest speakers from our wider community and themed weeks. An understanding of all major faiths is taught as the pupils move through the school. We support a number of charities, locally and globally, which are selected by the pupils themselves with the help of the School Council representatives.

"A brilliant school that couldn’t do much more"