Key Stage 1 (Class 3, 4 & 5)

Welcome to Key Stage 1

Click below to learn more to support transition into Class 3, Class 4 and Class 5 through our social story.

Photo Story

  • Class 3 (Year 1 & 2) - Miss Griffiths (Mon - Wed) / Mr Merrall (Thurs - Fri)
  • Class 4 (Year 1 & 2) - Mrs Reeves
  • Class 5 (Year 1 & 2) - Mrs Atkinson

Support staff

  • Miss Dawson
  • Mrs Collins
  • Miss Addison
  • Miss Moss
  • Mrs Heffernan
  • Mrs Fitzpatrick
  • Mrs Aristizaban

Should you need to contact any member of the KS1 team, please email the school via or speak to one of us at the start/end of the school day in order to arrange a convenient time.


Information for Spring Term 2 2025

THE BIG QUESTION – Why should I respect you?

This question is linked to the British Value ‘Mutual Respect’ and is a whole school initiative. 



Our overall study unit title is ‘Forever Changing’. This will include:

  • PSHE - Respecting self and others.

  • Music - Year 1 – Round and Round and Year 2 – Recorder Lessons with specialist.

  • Computing - Pictograms and Making music.

  • History - Florence Nightingale.

  • PE - Total Sports and Real PE.

  • RE - How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?

  • Science - Living Things and their Habitats & Seasonal Changes - Spring

  • DT - Construction

Your child will also have daily reading, phonics, writing and maths lessons.


To bring each day

· Water bottle (containing water) – please remember to label this with your child’s name.

· A waterproof hooded jacket as we do still go outside at playtimes in light rain.

As the weather changes, please ensure your child(ren) has appropriate clothing for the weather – including a thicker waterproof coat.


To leave in school throughout the week

· PE kit – inside and outside

P.E days

Class 3 – Tuesday and Thursday

Class 4 - Monday and Thursday

Class 5 – Wednesday and Thursday

Your child will need their Indoor and Outdoor kit in school at all times as our timetable is intended to be flexible. Plimsolls are required for indoor PE lessons and trainers must be worn for outdoor lessons. Please note that children are not permitted to wear football boots with studs in PE lessons.

  • Outdoor Kit - black shorts, white t-shirt, black tracksuit, trainers (plus a carrier bag for these for when they are muddy) and spare socks.

  • Indoor Kit - black shorts, white t-shirt, plimsolls, (+ socks for girls wearing tights – tights are not appropriate for PE or games)

Earrings - earrings must be removed or taped over. Please bring the tape if they cannot be removed.

Hair - all children with hair longer than shoulder length should have it tied back during PE and when using the fixed play equipment.

Earrings - earrings must be removed or taped over. Please bring the tape if they cannot be removed.

Fixed Play Equipment - Part of the safety requirements for using our new play area is that children wear suitable footwear which is securely attached to their feet; plimsolls and any style of slip-on shoes are not suitable. It is therefore additionally important that children have a pair of trainers in school (as for PE), as these can also be used in the play area if needed.

Please ensure all belongings have your child’s name on them.


Usually, homework will be given to your child on a Friday, to be returned the following Thursday. In Key Stage 1, we have two coloured folders, we alternate the colours on a weekly basis. To begin with, the homework will be one task and then develop into two tasks, one maths and one phonics. The maths will support their times table learning and/or consolidate learning from their lessons. The phonics will guide you and your child(ren) through the letter sounds, focus words and tricky words they have learnt throughout the week. Homework for Years 1 and 2 children is expected to take 45 minutes and no longer across the week, this includes reading.


It is really important that your child reads regularly at home. This may include reading aloud to an adult together with discussion of the text. Ideally, this would be daily but as a minimum we would suggest three or four times a week.

Little Wandle

‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ is the phonics scheme which is used to teach phonics in EYFS and Key Stage 1 and to assist children with their phonics knowledge through the school. Every day, your child(ren) will have a phonics/spelling lesson where previous sounds are revised both as letter sounds and words. New sounds are taught in isolation and then read in words. Tricky words, spellings and a dictated sentence are also taught, developed and practised within this phonics lesson. Further to phonics, reading sessions are also developed, throughout the week, allowing the children to develop their decoding ability in their reading, as well as their fluency and comprehension skills. After reading the book three times in school, your child will bring home this book to share their reading progress at home. However, as these are also the books we use in lessons, they are numbered and allocated to each child. It is therefore important that they come back into school, when requested, ready for the next group to use as part of their lessons. Unfortunately, if your child(ren) does not return their book, we will be unable to issue the next one, until it is returned.

For further information and guidance, please visit the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised website where you will find helpful videos. These videos contain valuable support with the pronunciation used in phonics and reading lessons in school; share the structure of phonics lessons and give support with reading at home. Please click here.


Reading for Pleasure

As a school, we love to read and wish to impart this love of reading to our students. Each week, children in each class can choose their own reading for pleasure book. This book can be read at home, shared with family and friends but above all, is for you all to enjoy!

Changing our books:

Class 3 – Friday

Class 4 - Friday

Class 5 – Friday

Please bring your reading for pleasure book back, to be able to swap it for a new one.



In Year 2, your child will bring home one weekly spelling list to learn that supports the 'spelling rule' being taught at that time; it is an understanding of the rules that underpins successful spelling rather than the learning of words by rote (that can then be easily forgotten). The children will also be expected to regularly revisit the spellings on the Year 1/2 word list. Your child will regularly be assessed on (each set of words) how their understanding of spelling is progressing and what they can remember.

Please don’t hesitate to speak to one of us if you have any questions/concerns or if you would like further information about any of the above.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Atkinson (Class 5), Mrs Reeves (Class 4) and Miss Griffiths and Mr Merrall (Class 3)


Typical Weekly Timetable

Please be aware that this is an example of a Year 1/2 weekly timetable and therefore the timetabling of each lesson will differ between each class. The days for PE lessons are as detailed above. 



"I am so proud my child attends this school."