Remote Education

Ralph Butterfield Primary School is committed to ensuring that all children receive a quality education. Attendance in school is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age, providing they are well enough to engage with learning. Schools no longer have a statutory obligation to provide remote education when a child is required to self-isolate due to an infectious disease. Here at Ralph Butterfield Primary School, we recognise the value and importance of the provision of high-quality remote education; we will therefore continue to provide this when face-to-face education is not accessible, due to government guidance.

This might include:

·        occasions when school leaders decide that it is not possible for their setting to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government

·        occasions when individual pupils, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend their school, however are well and able to continue learning e.g pupil has an infectious illness

If a child is well enough to attend school, but is unable to do so because of an infectious disease, then Ralph Butterfield Primary School will provide remote education.

Please contact the school office for further information. Our remote education plan can be viewed below.

"I am so proud my child attends this school."